MSc in EM

The StEmlyns team are key members of the faculty for the MMU MSc in Emergency Medicine. This is the longest established course in the UK and has a track record in supporting students locally and as distance learners. If you like what you see on the blog, and if you think like we do then you are the student for us.

Manchester Metropolitan University offers the first and longest established MSc program in Emergency Medicine in the UK. We offer academic recognition for the professional training undertaken by physicians in emergency care settings. Teaching can be delivered online only (at National or International level) or supported by face-to-face sessions in Manchester. The online element is based around the StEmlyns virtual hospital with problem-based learning, online lectures and tutorials, web links and discussion sites. Unit topics include clinical emergency medicine, military medicine, clinical management, research, and other areas of emergency care from which you can select a personalised route for academic assessment.

An experienced faculty with an international track record in emergency medicine and teaching based at the Centre for Effective Emergency Care supervise the course.

Further details are available from
Prof. Janet Marsden
Prof. Simon Carley
Prof. Kevin Mackway-Jones

Online prospectus here

MMU Msc Flyer for Emergency Medicine

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